
credit hour 【教育】學分。

credit line

The students , being objects and direct receivers of the training scheme , have convincing voice in commenting this training scheme . this inquiry involves the necessity of the opening the courses , the interest , time , sequence , difficulty of the text books , the reassurance of the compulsive and selective courses , and also advise of the biotechnology courses . the author , on the basis of integrating contrasts and analysis of the four universities “ training courses and also feedbacks of the students , suggests that our training scheme should be modified , integrated , and the credit hour system used , experimental hours added , experimental classes reformed , practical teaching reinforced , the faculty qualified , the teaching improved , and better the practical bettered 利用四所院校生物技術專業本科培養方案的比較分析及學生對培養方案實施結果的反饋,二者結合,作者認為我校生物技術專業培養方案的修改和制訂應加強專業特色、合理整合課程、實施完全學分制、構建合理必修課與選修碩士學位論文卜二aster ’ 5thesis竺二竺竺竺竺竺竺竺竺竺竺二竺竺二課的學分和學時數比例、增設選修課、實驗課與理論課學時比例適當調整,增加實驗課時數、改革實驗課教學、強化實踐教學環節、加強教師隊伍建設、改進課堂教學、完善實踐教學想法和建議。

This thesis involves the elaborated analysis and contrasts between the training target and specification , curriculum system and credit hour , analysis of compulsive courses to all the students and basic compulsive courses to the biotechnology majors , and also analysis of compulsive and selective courses . secondly , the biotechnology majors “ opinions has been integrated through questionnaires 它涉及培養方案中培養目標與培養規格的具體內涵的比較分析、課程體系與學分分配的比較分析、全校公共必修課的比較分析、生物技術專業基礎必修課的比較分析、生物技術專業必修課程的比較分析、生物技術專業選修課程的比較分析等方面。

At least 1 full - time engineer who holds a civil , hydraulic , survey , environmental , structural , earth or water and soil conservation engineer certificate or architect certificate , has studied courses related to civil engineering and construction for some credit hours before getting the engineer certificate through exam , and has worked in civil engineering and construction for over 2 years 一置領有土木、水利、測量、環工、結構、大地或水土保持工程科技師證書或建筑師證書,并于考試取得技師證書前修習土木建筑相關課程一定學分以上,具二年以上土木建筑工程經驗之專任工程人員一人以上。

The paper first discusses the necessity of promoting test reform in credit hour system and then offers some tentative plans of promoting test reform with regard to test content , test format , scoring / grading and test administration , which are directed against the flaws in current test system 本文分析了學分制管理模式下推進考試改革的必要性,針對現行考試制度的弊端,提出了從考試內容、考試形式、成績評定和考試管理等方面推進考試改革的幾點設想。

Students majoring in accounting , business administration , financial management , human resource management , management , marketing or technology and information management must complete the 33 - hour business core and additional 18 - 24 credit hours in the specific area of emphasis 修讀會計、商務管理、財務管理、人力資源管理、管理、市場營銷或技術及信息管理的學生,必須修滿33學時的商科核心課程,以及18 - 24學時的專業課。

To receive the bachelor degree , in the first and second year of undergraduate study at ibs , students must complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of general education & foundation courses and major related found courses ( language courses are not included ) 為獲得學士學位,學生在本學院本科學習的第一及第二學年必須完成至少60個學分的公共基礎和專業基礎課程的學習(不包括英語基礎課程) 。

These obstacles can be overcome by changing the traditional teaching philosophy , optimizing the course selection procedures , adopting an advisor system , being flexible on the amount time a student takes to graduate , and establishing credit hour management systems and procedures 相應的對策、措施是:轉變教學觀念;完善選課制、導師制和彈性學制;制定學分制管理體系和管理條例等。

Adoption of the credit hour system in higher vocational education provides the benefits of graduating students more suitable to the job markets , being more tailored to the needs of each individual student , and increasing students ' creativity 摘要高職教育實施學分制,可以培養出適應市場的人才,可以滿足學生的個體需求,可以培養學生的創新能力。

Traditional ways of thinking , the shortage of teaching related hardware , difficulties in course selection management , and the lack of associated procedures and policies are among the obstacles in implementing the credit hour system 當前實施的主要問題有:傳統理念的束縛;教學硬件不足;選課管理難;配套政策缺少。

In lieu of the thesis a student may take four additional courses for a total of 12 credit hours and pass the written comprehensive examination and present a project 選擇這個計劃的學生必須修完四個附加課程,共12學分,須通過寫作綜合測試,并提出一個課題。

Of the 120 credit hours , 36 credits hours must be upper division credits of which 18 credits hours must be earned in courses in the major 120個學分中,至少有36個學分來自于高級階段課程,其中至少有18個學分是來自于主修的課程。

Every chemba course is scheduled over two weekends , totally 32 credit hours 每門課程在兩個周末完成,學時不少于32個小時。

The model of credit hour and principal component ordering about students ' achievement 學生成績的學分績與主成分排序模型

Development of credit hour grade inquiry statistics of undergraduate 本科生學分績點查詢統計系統的開發

Developing of the students credit hour informationsystem based on delphi4 體系結構的學生學分管理系統

It contains 81 classes , 4 credit hours 本課程為81個學時, 4學分。